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Rules and Polices



Our #1 responsibility is to keep the attendees safe and comfortable.

If you are found interfering with operations, making other attendees uncomfortable, or are disobeying the general rules of the venue, we will take your registration and remove you from the convention space.


We would love to accept everyone in the convention space, with an interest in anthropomorphic animals or not. However, we do reserve the right to deny entry to any party for any reason. We will deny admittance or remove anyone whom we have reason to believe represents a danger to the safety and well-being of our attendees. This includes but is not limited to anyone known to be convicted of a violent crime or criminal abuse. Any action that assists an individual known to be unwelcome at our event to attend or be present in any areas our convention occupies will result in revocation of attendance and possibly future denial of admittance.


We also reserve the right to amend these rules at any time without prior or posted notice and reserves the sole right of interpretation. In any dispute, the general rule above will apply.


As a condition of membership, all attendees are required to abide by these standards of conduct for the entire duration of their stay, even prior to Opening or after Closing Ceremonies. 



Alcohol and Drugs


Please no drugs or alcohol inside the venue space. If it is illegal in the state of Idaho, it is not legal inside the convention. Alcohol consumption is not allowed inside the venue, please consider there are minors gathered here as well. If you are to drink outside the con space, please drink responsibly and drive sober.


If you choose to host a party that includes alcohol, you are required to ensure everyone entering is of age. If you are caught serving alcohol to minors, authorities will be contacted. If you witness someone serving alcohol to minors, please call the police immediately. Any minors found to be drinking whose intoxication does not appear to constitute a medical emergency, will have their parents contacted to pick up the minor. 


Gatherings in hotel rooms, Air B&B’s and campsites must not generate any noise that can be heard in neighboring rooms during nighttime hours. Doors must be kept shut during such gatherings and guests are not permitted to congregate in the corridors. Please check with the host of your Air B&B or the owner of the campsite if they are ok with large gatherings. If they do, leave the place better than you found it. Since we won’t have anyone giving warnings, if you are too loud, the police may be called by a neighbor for a noise complaint. The city of Rexburg is a college town, and most of those who live here are students. Quiet hours are typically 10:00 PM, and curfew at 12:00 midnight. You do not have to obey strictly to those times, but please do your best to keep your volume at a reasonable level. 


Smoking or vaping is allowed outside the convention space, but please consider that some guests might have medical conditions. Please find a solitary space at least 10 ft away from the entrance to do so. Just like alcohol, please do not let a minor use any cigarettes or vapes. In Idaho, the legal age for both of those is 21.



Medical Emergencies


If you are aware of a life-threatening emergency, immediately call 911 on any phone nearby. If you have no phone, seek assistance from those nearby, staff or attendees to call an ambulance. If it is not an emergency, there are urgent cares nearby if needed.





To receive their registration badge, a person of 16 or 17 years of age must provide a signed permission form from a parent or guardian. 


Minors under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Guardians must purchase the badge for said minor. Registration badges are free for minors under the age of 10 at the registration counter with the purchase of a badge for the adult. Parents or guardians must be over the age of 18 and must be able to show identification.  



Pet Policy


We do not generally allow pets. This is for the protection of the pet, the pet owner, and our attendees.


Service dogs are permitted in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If in doubt, please speak with our staff and/or the hotel, host of the Air B&B, or campsite you are staying at. This permission unfortunately does not extend to emotional support animals.





We are dedicated to providing a harassment-free event for everyone, regardless of age, race, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, or religious beliefs. We do not tolerate harassment, verbally or physically, of convention attendees, volunteers, staff, or guests. Threats, harassment, and stalking will never be tolerated, and are grounds for immediate revocation of badge and expulsion from the property. If you are ever feeling threatened or harassed, physically remove yourself from the situation and go to any nearby staff member to report the behavior.


Pawtato Con reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to refer reports of harassment to Hotel/Venue security and to law enforcement.


 Also remember that costumes, no matter how they appear, do not indicate any kind of consent. ALWAYS ask before taking a picture, hugging, or touching someone.



Threats of Harm or Vandalism


If you have knowledge of anyone planning to cause harm, violate a parole restriction, or violate a restraining order, we implore you to approach police with your knowledge. After you have notified the police, please also notify us so we can keep record. If you become aware of such violations during the con, please immediately go to the nearest staff member for help.


Vandalism is never tolerated. Vandalism includes, but is not limited to graffiti, intentional and excessive damage to property, interference with hotel/venue workers to keep them from performing their duties, etc. is never permitted or tolerated. Those who disobey this rule will receive permanent revocation of attendee privileges, criminal prosecution, fines, or any combination thereof. If you witness any of this, please report it to the police immediately. 


Hotel staff, Air B&B host, or campsite owners should not be responsible for cleaning up any damages or messes made on their property. Please do your part and pick up garbage and tidying up before you leave. Do not expect your hosts to provide you with any extras that exceed the number of people staying in your room. If you expect you may need more pillows, blankets, soap, shampoo, etc., please bring them yourselves.



General Conduct

Obey all laws. If it’s not legal outside the con, it’s not legal inside the con either. Be nice to each other. If you don’t have something nice to say, keep your comments to yourself.


Please don’t block any doors. If you’re in a line that forms in front of a door, please leave space in front of the door. Please don’t block pathways or high-traffic areas; step to the side. Please don’t sit or lay on the floor in hallways. 


Do not display, draw conspicuously, or otherwise show any explicit artwork. Again, we will have minors attending. 


Please consider the safety of yourself and others; don’t throw things, don’t tackle people from behind, etc. Remember that fursuiters have very limited visibility, and they may not see you even if they appear to be looking right at you.




Dress Code


We respect the opinions of all of our attendees, but please consider other guests and staff. Additionally, wearing of racist or hateful symbols such as armbands constitutes harassment and will not be allowed; you will be asked to put such items away. Please leave any said items at home.


All attendees are required to wear a shirt, pants, and shoes at the very least.

 For safety reasons, fursuits are not permitted in the hotel swimming pool or dining areas unless otherwise noted by convention staff.


Public displays of affection beyond what is appropriate for polite company are frowned upon. You will be asked to express your devotion to your significant other either in less conspicuous ways, or in private.


Any attire or imagery that is commonly used in conjunction with hate speech, and hate speech is not welcome at Pawtato Con. Hate has no home here.



Sales, Flyers, and Solicitation


Since the convention is only one day, everything has been combined into one day. If you do not rent a dealer’s den space, online ads are acceptable. Your advertising should not interfere with anyone’s booths who paid to be there. We will take down any solicitation that is put in inappropriate spaces. Please do not hang anything on venue or hotel walls. Those who violate this will receive a warning to take it down and not do it again, then will be politely asked to leave the convention if offences are continued to be made.



Costume Props


Guns, bats, knives, swords, or other dangerous items are not allowed on the con floor. Anything that represents one of these items is not allowed either .Any kind of projectile prop or toy such as squirt guns, silly string, etc. is not allowed inside the venue. If you are caught with one of these, you may be responsible for any damages. If you are found with a suspicious prop or toy, staff will ask you to remove it from the convention space by placing it in your car or taking it to your room. If you do not, we have the right to remove said object from your possession and you may retrieve it after the convention ends.


Sexual or explicit toys are not allowed either. Please keep those items private to your room only. If found with one, we will ask you to remove it from the venue. If you do not comply, we will take it from you. You may retrieve it after the convention ends.




Music will be supplied by the staff. You may have your own music outside of the convention space. Please make sure that the volume does not exceed a regular indoor speaking voice.



Photos and Videos


The convention staff will try to supply photos and videos of those who come, but we cannot guarantee we can get everyone’s picture.


Pictures and videos are allowed. Please keep all photos and videos away from the headless area in respect for those who do not wish to have their human faces shown publicly. Remember, fursuits or any kind of costume does not equal consent. Please ask before taking photos/videos.


If members of the media are present, attendees must act responsibly. Please give a good image for the fandom--there’s enough bad for us. Media representatives who do not have Press Badges and are not escorted by an event staff member should be reported to staff immediately. Do not speak to any unbadged and unescorted members of the press! If you are with a local station, please email us or contact us through our website. We would be happy to answer any questions and/or allow you to do a story on our event. 


Pawtato Con name and logo is the trademark of Pawtato Con. Any use must not be used in any fashion that disparages or dilutes that mark. Members agree to remove from circulation or publication any image or recording that in the sole opinion of Pawtato Con misrepresents or defames its service mark.





We advise you get a good sleep and shower before you attend the convention. It is only one day, but you do need to make sure to get 6 hours of sleep before, 2 meals in the day of, and 1 shower in the morning.


Nobody likes a musky husky. If you come to the convention with excessive body odor or stink of drugs or alcohol, a staff member may politely ask you to return to your hotel/Air B&B to shower and/or apply deodorant. If requested, please comply. The con will still be there when you get back! A staff member will also have a can of spray deodorant in case of emergencies. We acknowledge that you may forget to pack your own, accidents happen.



Staff Complaints


If there is staff member or volunteer that is causing problems, you can go to any other staff member or one of the founders to report. We will remedy the solution as we see fit.



Liability Waiver


Pawtato Con staff will make every effort to maintain a safe environment for our attendees. However, it’s impossible to anticipate every possible source of injury or accident. By attending the con, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the con and its staff of and from any and all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, losses, damages, lawsuits, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and court costs, but only to the extent caused by, related to, or arising out of the work performed by the con. Pawtato Con’s liability is limited to the cost of attendance.



Policy revisions


The founders or any designated staff of Pawtato Con has the right to revise the rules as they see fit if a disturbance arises.


You are responsible for knowing all the revised rules as you attend.



Please Report Problems To Us


If there are any problems or other concerns, please come to us. We want to make this convention fun and inviting to all. 

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